Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hang on to your Hat

Big days of summer are here. - I posted a warning last week about very active conditions. These warnings were well founded and produced both exciting and dangerous flights with many long efforts mixed in during the very successful Chelan Classic.

This is another warning!
We have had two serious accidents in the last two days!

The first was our friend Mr. Beaver. - I don't know the full details but based on Dr. Wheeler's assessment the situation had condition related elements. - BIG air - Big wind - Big ?caution? - Remember the video at Baldy with Doug Mullin. BIG day!

Earlier today I received a report of a serious (broken Humerus, compression fracture of lower back following a Big Hit - Came with air lift and later trip to Seattle for treatment) accident following an assumed collapse just after launch green monster late mid day at Chelan. - Pilot out of state from NY. - More info on request.

In posts about condition dangers over the past 2 weeks I got this sobering post from Doc. "Here's a quote from Willy Muller, who died a couple years ago flying Chelan in July: "Chelan is too dangerous to fly in July...". "

Tune up your skill, focus and get away from the hill. Listen to the Locals. Don't fly what you don't know!

Now is not the time to experiment mid day - Come with your full game face on!
The Aussi's are flying 100mile+ from Pine as we speek! - ROCK @ 11 (1,500fpm up guaranteed)


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