Thursday, January 22, 2009

Valle Day 10

Just in case you forgot what I look like.
Wearing the Colors on the 20th.

Still worn down from all the flying. - Made a number of low saves round El Pinon and on the wall - hit the wall below the crest and did a very nice job working it and my faithful G spot up and out - thank goodness the G spot was calm today. -
Nice climb to cloud base and track toward Sacramatati but got drilled to the mesa and no hope for big tails.
Caught a ride out with a official of some agency that distributes blankets - very interesting and a free ride to town - bout 2 hrs. - Good tortas and watched another reserve deployment. 5 in total this week.
All is well with money to spare for the taxi to the airport in the morning.
Great new friends and lots of fond memories - Back next year.

1 comment:

Paul said...

Thanks for the posts Dave. They were great to read.


Paul Moyes