Sunday, April 19, 2009

Scratch and Save

Saturday was very busy - A number of issues for work took the morning then flying in the afternoon and football ref for a semi pro game in the evening. Busy Busy Busy.
Flying was great - Mer cranked a masive flight for the conditions - high presure kept us under 5K most the day.
I took two flights on baldy and the second was the rocker. - Launch and scratch nothing working well the ridge was sparse and eventualy I went out after being tired of risking my life for 10 feet. -
All the way down the ridge to the South LZ - just 500 ft over road just enough for a clean landing and I got 0's and 10 feet up on a pass and 3 feet down and back up and back and forth and 40 minutes of hard hard work and I was on top again.
The reward was a lift to just under 5K but the deep pleasure was cracking the mountain.!!! - GREAT STUFF!!!!!!

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